The Girl Who Disappeared Twice

Andrea Kane

Language: English

Publisher: Mira

Published: May 31, 2011


Product Description


If she[HTML_REMOVED]d only turned her head, she would have seen the car containing her daughter, struggling to get out. Struggling to escape her kidnapper.

Despite all her years determining the fates of families, veteran family court judge Hope Willis couldn[HTML_REMOVED]t save her own. Now she[HTML_REMOVED]s frantically grasping at any hope for Krissy[HTML_REMOVED]s rescue. Her husband dead-set against it, she calls Casey Woods and her team of renegade investigators, Forensic Instincts.

A behaviorist. A techno-wizard. An intuitive. A former Navy SEAL. Unconventional operatives. All with unique talents and personal reasons for being part of Casey[HTML_REMOVED]s group, they[HTML_REMOVED]ll do whatever it takes.

Able to accurately read people after the briefest of encounters, Casey leads her crew to Krissy[HTML_REMOVED]s home. There, she picks up the signs of a nervous spouse, a guilty conscience, a nanny that hides on her cell. She watches as secrets beg to creep into the open.

Forensic Instincts will dig through each tiny clue and eliminate the clutter. But time is running out, and even working around the clock, the authorities are bound by the legal system. Not so Casey[HTML_REMOVED]s team. For they know that the difference between Krissy coming back alive and disappearing forever could be as small as a suspect[HTML_REMOVED]s rapid breathing, or as deep as Hope[HTML_REMOVED]s dark family history.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Manhattan, New York Present day

The bar smelled like stale beer and sweat.

Casey Woods shifted in her seat, which was situated far away from the social hub of the place. She rolled her glass between her palms. It was filled with whatever was on tap that the waiter had brought her. Taking a sip, she looked nervous but wistful among the slew of college kids milling around the East Village hangout.

She was one of those kids. Or trying to be. She was a wannabe—a shy and naive misfit, on the outside, looking in. Hungry to be welcomed into the inner circle.

She reached around and fiddled with a strand of her long red hair, which was tied back, giving her a more youthful appearance. Her gaze darted around, flickering, every so often, over her target. He was in his early thirties, perched on the first bar stool. Whenever she glanced his way, he was usually staring at her.

The time ticked by slowly. Casey made sure to openly, if shyly, eye the hunkiest-looking guys, changing her demeanor from hopeful to unsure or dejected. Every guy she focused on eventually left, either with a group of friends, or with a girl he[HTML_REMOVED]d hooked up with.

At just past three-thirty in the morning, the bartender started closing up, and the bar emptied out. With just a few stragglers left, Casey[HTML_REMOVED]s hopes for the night were ostensibly dashed. Her lashes lowered in an expression of utter defeat.

Slowly, she rose, reaching into her messenger bag for some cash. As she[HTML_REMOVED]d planned, the bag slid off her shoulder and plopped on the floor, contents spilling everywhere. Flushed with embarrassment, she squatted down and began stuffing things back into her bag—her wallet, makeup, and fake student ID.

From her peripheral vision, she saw the man at the end of the bar rise, toss some bills on the counter and walk out with the last few stragglers.

It was 4:00 a.m. Closing time.

Despite the pointed glare of the bartender, Casey took her time replacing the contents of her bag, rearranging them as she did. She kept her wallet out long enough to slap some bills on the table. Then she made her way to the door.

The bartender locked it behind her.

Casey sucked in her breath and turned, making sure to follow the same route she[HTML_REMOVED]d been taking all week. She[HTML_REMOVED]d set the pattern. But tonight she[HTML_REMOVED]d stayed at the bar later. The streets were emptier. The timing was right.

She steeled herself as she walked past the alley near Tompkins Square Park. She kept her gaze fixed straight ahead.

She heard Fisher[HTML_REMOVED]s footsteps an instant before he grabbed her. His arm clamped around her waist, his free hand pressing a knife to her throat. Too hard. Too fast. No taunting. This was not how she[HTML_REMOVED]d planned it. And now he had her.

"Don[HTML_REMOVED]t fight. Don[HTML_REMOVED]t scream. Don[HTML_REMOVED]t even breathe. Or I[HTML_REMOVED]ll slit your throat."

Casey complied. She didn[HTML_REMOVED]t have to fake her trembling, or the fear that stiffened her body. Silently, she talked herself down, reminding herself why she was doing this. She offered no resistance as Fisher dragged her into the alley. The psychopathic SOB shoved her down on the filthy concrete ground, kneeling over her, a glittering look of triumph in his eyes. He kept the knife at her throat, using his other hand to tear at her jeans.

The button popped. But the zipper never gave.

Marc Deveraux made sure of that.

Emerging from the shadows like a predator in the wild, he lunged at the would-be rapist with all the strength of his powerful build. He yanked Fisher[HTML_REMOVED]s knife-wielding arm up and away from Casey, then slammed down on his forearm until Fisher[HTML_REMOVED]s bones made a cracking sound and the knife clattered to the ground.

Fisher howled with pain.

"I[HTML_REMOVED]m just getting started," Marc promised menacingly. He dragged Fisher up and slammed his back against the wall. "You okay?" he called out to Casey, who was scrambling to her feet.

"A hell of a lot better than I was thirty seconds ago," she managed.

"Good." He turned his attention back to Fisher. "Talk," he ordered, one knee pushed into Fisher[HTML_REMOVED]s groin and one elbow digging into his windpipe.

"The girl came on to me," Fisher said, then yelped, sweat beading on his forehead. "She—" His breath caught as Marc increased the pressure of his knee.

"Wrong answer. Tell me about your plans for this girl—and what you did with all the others." He leaned closer, until his face nearly touched the other man[HTML_REMOVED]s. "You don[HTML_REMOVED]t want to know what I am or what I[HTML_REMOVED]m capable of. Compared to me, you[HTML_REMOVED]re a Girl Scout." His elbow shoved deeper, cutting off most of Fisher[HTML_REMOVED]s oxygen. "Now tell me about the girls—all of them. And don[HTML_REMOVED]t spare any details. I[HTML_REMOVED]m a captive audience."

It took longer than expected to get Fisher[HTML_REMOVED]s confession. It took a Navy SEAL[HTML_REMOVED]s thumb dug deeply into his collarbone, causing blinding pain that persisted long after the pressure was removed, and the threat that a repeat performance would increase the pain tenfold if that[HTML_REMOVED]s what it took to make the perp talk—assuming his neck didn[HTML_REMOVED]t snap first. The bastard[HTML_REMOVED]s cold-blooded confession had made bile rise in Casey[HTML_REMOVED]s throat. He might be going to jail for a long, long time, but Casey wished they were throwing away the key for good.

"I[HTML_REMOVED]m done here, Marc," she told her rescuer. "Otherwise I[HTML_REMOVED]m going to be sick."

"Go," he urged quietly. "I[HTML_REMOVED]ll wrap things up here and head over to the precinct. The bodies will be found. Any claim of coercion will be tossed. It[HTML_REMOVED]s a murderer[HTML_REMOVED]s word against ours. The confession will stick. Go home."

Home was a four-story Tribeca brownstone that was residence and office combined. There was no beating that. One mortgage. One place that held all her worldly possessions. And no commute. It was ideal.

Of course, she rarely made it up to the fourth floor, which was supposedly where she slept. Her bed was a casual acquaintance, if not a stranger. She virtually lived in her office. That was her choice. One she made every day. And she wasn[HTML_REMOVED]t sorry.

With a quick glance around the reception level, she turned left and climbed the L-shaped staircase to the second floor. Directly ahead, she[HTML_REMOVED]d had French doors installed—doors that led out to a balcony overlooking the manicured garden in a gated backyard. Colorful flower beds. A maze of closely trimmed shrubs. And a pair of graceful willow trees on either side, rippling in the breeze. The entire effect was both serene and eye-catching.

Pushing open the doors, Casey stepped outside for a moment, quickly shutting them behind her. She hoped the cool air would revive her. Sighing, she noted that the sun was now well above the horizon, and climbing rapidly into the sky. Her watch told her it was nine-thirty. The unofficial coercion Marc had inflicted had taken a lot longer than expected to work. To Casey, it had seemed like an eternity before they[HTML_REMOVED]d pulled it off and extracted a full confession from Fisher.

She could still feel the perv[HTML_REMOVED]s slimy hands on her. He[HTML_REMOVED]d really freaked her out.

With a shudder, Casey reminded herself that they had pulled it off, and gotten both—Fisher and his confession regarding the other victims. Not a pretty business. Still, the haunting, disturbing feelings inflicted by such men were the very reason she[HTML_REMOVED]d formed Forensic Instincts, LLC to begin with.

She walked across the balcony and reached the second set of French doors that led back into the brownstone. She held her access card up to the card reader and punched her security code into the Hirsch keypad. Pushing the doors open, she stepped inside and shut the doors behind her. No time for rest—not yet. It was time for her team[HTML_REMOVED]s post-op meeting.

Forensic Instincts had been just a dream at first. Now it was very much a reality.

It all started four years ago, and was still in its fledgling state. Casey had begun her quest to assemble an awesome team, with herself at the helm. Thanks to her extensive credentials working with both behavioral and psychological profilers, her innate talent at reading people, and her years of working in both law enforcement and the private sector, Casey had easily transitioned into an independent profiler. She held a master[HTML_REMOVED]s in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and a bachelor[HTML_REMOVED]s in Psychology from Columbia. Most importantly, she was a natural at figuring out what made people tick.

Her two other team members were impressive as hell. She should know. She[HTML_REMOVED]d meticulously selected them. Assessed them. Recruited them. They were very different from each other. Both brought specialized capabilities to the Forensic Instincts team. The result was a growing track record of successfully solved complex criminal cases.

Their trio was unique, but still formative. Which meant they were sometimes welcomed, and other times regarded as a huge pain in the ass.

But, overall, they were earning a growing respect among law enforcement agencies and, more important, among their expanding client list. To those who hired them, they were the ultimate beacon of hope.

Her rules were few, but absolute. Unwavering loyalty, both to the company and to one another. One hundred and ten percent of themselves when they were on the job. Total candor, regardless of the cost—but only when they were behind closed doors. A low profile—which meant staunchly avoiding the limelight. As mavericks who pushed the boundaries more than conventional bureaucracy would allow, it was best to be unrecognizable. They were an eclectic trio, each of whom believed absolutely in his or her specific methods.

Three egos were involved. And none of them shy. That meant frequent debates, tons of constructive argument and— sometimes—stubborn unwillingness to budge. With the Fisher case, Casey had wanted to nail their perp by studying his interactions with college-aged women, then combining behavioral observations with her experience and sheer instinct. Marc had argued in favor...