Cold Moon Rising

C. T. Adams; Cathy Clamp

Language: English

Published: May 27, 2010


He's Baaaaaack. Hired killer Tony Giodone is back in action -- this time, believe it or not, working for the 'good guys.' Or should that be the 'not quite as bad guys?' He isn't sure. One thing is for certain, serving as a newly minted member of Wolven, the Sazi law enforcement agency, certainly does keep a guy busy. AND he gets to do what he does best. Kill things. Of course, Carmine doesn't plan to let Tony off the hook, particularly when he's attacked and nearly killed by the boys from the east coast. Paired up with Ahmad al Narmer Tony's in danger up to his baby blues, which wouldn't bother him a bit, if his wife, Sue wasn't bound and determined to be a part of the action.