Life! By Design: 6 Steps to an Extraordinary You

Laura Morton; Tom Ferry

Language: English

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Published: May 4, 2010

Description: Review

Tom Ferry on *Life! By Design*

Writing this book is the culmination of 20,000 hours of coaching clients on choosing to have a life--By Design. It is full of valuable and unforgettable lessons that I wanted to share with the world. I've been given unprecedented insight about what kills performance or what stops people from truly living a life that they really, and I mean really, love. I believe that one of my missions in life is to touch people's lives in a way so they can benefit from my experience and expertise on how to live their best life--By Design. The most effective way to fulfill my dream was to write this book, which will not only impact people in a positive way, but will also empower them to do the little things that create the necessary shift to make their lives extraordinary.

There is another reason I wrote this book--and this one is more personal. I am the father of two boys who I strive to be the most exceptional role model for. There have been many times in my life where I have faced massive adversity or found myself having to make some very difficult decisions. The first thought that comes to my mind in those situations is always, "if I weren't here to finish raising these two boys, what would I want them to know so they could go on with their lives and become extraordinary men?"

Some of the most important and poignant life lessons I have learned are among the many stories I share in Life! By Design--which I consider to be a blueprint for my boys to get to where they will want to go in life. It isn't the story of how I got to where I am so much as a treasure map meant to lead you toward achieving whatever it is you desire in your own life, whether it's a loving, passionate relationship, a career you excel in because you actually enjoy what you're doing for work, or having great health and vitality.

Whatever you desire, Life! By Design will help you get there. It isn't easy and it will challenge you in ways that may make you think twice, but I promise you one thing. If you read and then apply the basic principle's contained in the pages of my book, you will be infinitely happier and more content and you will learn to take responsibility for your life so you can go out and become the best you that you were meant to be. Are you ready for change? Are you ready to be challenged? Are you ready to live... By Design?


“Tom Ferry not only inspires you, he actually shows you how to begin the journey of creation toward your personal and professional dreams.”—Deepak Chopra

“Tom Ferry’s System is truly where it’s at! Tom understands how to help you lead your life By Design!”—Tony Robbins

“Tom Ferry is one of the most respected personal and business speakers and trainers in America today. I have known Tom and worked with him for twenty years, and watched him grow into one of the top authorities on success and achievement in the industry. He conducts seminars and talks for thousands of professional salespeople and managers. This book will have an immediate and growing audience as more and more people benefit from his wisdom, experience, and insights.”—Brian Tracy, speaker, trainer, author

“If books could be mandated, I would mandate that you read this one to learn about the four addictions and how they are stopping you from living the life you deserve!”—Mark Victor Hanson, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

“I’ve never encountered anyone who lives their life by design as much as Tom Ferry does. When it comes to coaching, Tom Ferry is an artist. His canvas is people’s minds, and his paintbrush is his insight into human behavior.”—Gino Blefar, founder, president, and CEO, Intero Real Estate Services

From the Hardcover edition.